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Fun and Easy Games for Halloween!

Pin the nose on the pumpkin

Object of the Game
Like "Pin the Tail on the Donkey", this game has you pinning a nose on a Jack-O-Lantern.

What To Do
You can use a real pumpkin, an artificial pumpkin, a large drawing or picture of a pumpkin on cork board. Pre cut and have ready a black construction paper nose. The pumpkin should have eyes and a mouth already cut out or glued on with an open spot for the nose.

Blindfold each player as they take a turn to play. Spin each player around three times and let them go. They must try to pin the nose on the pumpkin in the correct spot.

The other kids can yell "Hot" or "Cold" if they are missing the pumpkin completely. Use a push pin to attach the nose, it's easier on little thumbs and not as dangerous as regular thumbtacks for attaching a nose. For smaller children, use tape. The player that comes closest to the right spot is the winner.
What You Need
A pumpkin (real, artificial or made from cardboard). A pumpkin nose made from black construction paper. Pushpins or tape. A blindfold.

Bobbing For Apples

Object of the Game
All that you need for this fun filled Halloween game is a large plastic, metal or wooden tub filled most of the way to the top with water and some fresh apples. Plastic Halloween tubs like the one shown to the right are ideal for this game and can be found at most department stores during the Halloween season. Just be sure that you clean out the tub completely before using it for the game.

First, you will want to remove all of the stems from the apples and wash them thoroughly. Not to make to any harder than it has to be, we like to use smaller apples, as they tend to be easier to bite into. Next, fill the tub with an apple for each player and then fill it to within a few inches of the top with water. Its also a good idea to have some towels available for players to dry their faces off with.

Name that "spooky" tune

Just like the popular TV game show "Name That Tune", you can play the same game with horror movie and television themes. See which guest can guess the horror theme the quickest. The person that guesses the most themes songs the quickest wins! Fun to also play in teams and keep score!
What you will need:
CD Player or Computer
Horror Movie Themes CD's or MP3's
Note Pad & Pencil for Keeping Score
Here's how we play this great game at our Halloween parties:

We have a large collection of horror movie theme compilations and horror movie soundtracks. We copy thirteen of the themes we want to use for this Halloween game into a single folder on the computer. While you can use a CD player, having the music on your computer saves you from having to change out the CD's.

One person acts as the host and clicks on the first tune to play it until the first person yells out the correct name of the movie or television show it was from. A notation is made for the person who gave the correct answer and the next tune is played until all thirteen tunes have been guessed correctly. Who ever has guessed the most tunes wins the game and a prize.